Think Raffles Are Outdated Fundraisers? Think Again!

What springs to mind when you think about fundraising raffles? Old-fashioned raffle booklets? Multi-coloured paper tickets (that invariably emerge in post-wash pockets)? Tickets drawn from revolving tombolas? Raffles often have heart-warming connections with our childhood or pleasant memories of bygone fundraisers. But they're not the fundraiser of choice for causes serious about raising money. Or are they? It's true that raffles probably have the reputation for being somewhat antiquated. With so many digital and online options available to fundraisers, the humble raffle is often sidelined. But the raffle has been given a slick 21st century makeover to make it a go-to option for creative fundraisers.
It's a Raffle, but Fancier
Yep, like it's sister fundraisers, the live and silent auction, the raffle now comes in digital. Forget lost tickets and cumbersome booklets, the modern raffle is all about online (not a scrap of paper in sight). It's cost effective and simple to run, making it a great option for community fundraisers or as a complement to live and silent auctions.
How it Works
Participants get to make a ticket ‘draw' via automated allocation. It's as random as making a blind draw from a tombola! The ticket number is sent straight to participant's mobile device (which hopefully means less chance of it meeting a soggy end in the washing machine). When the winning draw is made, the automated number generator selects single or multiple winning tickets. Again it's totally random and there's little or no risk of tampering. Tickets still mean prizes! All organisers need to do is match winning ticket numbers with the prizes.
Bonus Points
But, a fully automated, online raffle system that's fit for a 21st century fundraiser isn't the end of the story. Being online means you can sell raffles tickets far and wide. If you choose to you can sell tickets to anyone who wants to buy one – whether they live in Sydney or Southampton. Of course bear in mind that you may need to deliver a prize to them so if you're selling tickets globally, think small and light! You can also sell tickets in advance of the fundraising event. And, because purchasing is done online, payment is super easy for purchasers. Oh and don't forget that with a digital raffle you can ramp up the excitement on the night with big screens that will show the winning tickets (and the names of happy winners!).
About GalaBid
GalaBid is CrowdComms’ fundraising software, developed inhouse, which facilitates bidding, donations, purchases, payment for and management of all fundraising activities before and during live fundraising events, galas, golf days etc.