Did you know that GalaBid also offers...?!!

A GalaBid Features Highlight
Our comprehensive auction software platform was built from the ground up to be secure, easy-to-use and reliable. GalaBid aims to fit your needs and exceed your expectations at every point but with so many fantastic features on offer, it's often easy to forget about all the wonderful extras GalaBid provides to your fundraising efforts.
Here are some you may have missed...
Feature 1: Multiple items
GalaBid has an incredible Multiple Item feature that allows you to sell more than one of the same prize to the top bidders, maximising the revenue you can achieve for your fundraising auction. This is a great feature to use if you have more than one of the same prize as it stops bidders from 'cherry picking' the cheapest prizes therefore driving higher bids and enhancing competition within the room.
Feature 2: Multiple event displays
Tailored to emulate the look and feel of your brand, the GalaBid event display is fully customisable and features an honour roll showcasing the highest bids and donations placed, countdown timers and donation totalisers. By choosing only those functions that are suitable for your event and audience, you will be able to WOW the crowd and increase engagement on the night. You can even create different screens that focus on different aspects of your event. This means for example, that you can have one screen promoting the auction and one dedicated to donations.
Feature 3: Favourites
Allow your supporters to keep an eye on their favourite auction items and access these easily, separate from the main catalogue. After making a bid, the item automatically saves to the supporters' favourites list ready for them to make any last minute attempts in the final crucial moments of your auction.
Feature 4: Raffles
Manual raffles are not only painful and time-consuming to organise but they also limit your reach to those supporters who are in the room at the time of the live event. GalaBid's electronic raffle system allows you to rally support from those who are unable to attend the fundraiser. You can even launch your raffle prior to the live event, ensuring that a substantial part of your fundraising revenue is locked in pre-event.
Feature 5: Wishlist Items
GalaBid also allows you to create Wishlist, Pledge and Donation Items so supporters that don't want to make a bid on an auction prize, or get out-priced in the bidding can still show support to your nominated cause at a lower-price point. Utilising the Wishlist functionality at the end of your event will help build momentum for those much needed final dollars. To add further excitement and competition, clients can display the donation totaliser on the leaderboard screen for one last collaborative giving drive.
Feature 6: Text Alerts
Keep your bidders and donors engaged in your fundraising efforts with text alert updates throughout the night. These notifications can help stimulate interest in new auction prizes you may have listed, items you can still get a 'bargain' on, or simply advise guests of the closing time of your auction or raffle.
Feature 7: Volunteer Checkout
The volunteer checkout option enables clients to turn any device into a payment terminal, ultimately decreasing your payment desk queue by half. Securing payment for donations and acquired auction items at the actual event is effortless with GalaBid's all-inclusive electronic solutions. This means much less time spent chasing up guests in the week after the live fundraising event.
GalaBid's revolutionary software platform is loaded with features and functionality that allow our clients to run a successful fundraising auction in minutes. Get in touch for a free trial or demo!
About GalaBid
GalaBid is CrowdComms’ fundraising software, developed inhouse, which facilitates bidding, donations, purchases, payment for and management of all fundraising activities before and during live fundraising events, galas, golf days etc.