Raise More With Our Hottest Self-Run Auction Tips

Our silent auction technology makes a self-run auction a breeze. Real-time bidding, SMS notifications and web enabled bids give fundraisers all the tools they need smash their event's fundraising targets. To get the most out the technology, here are a few tips to raise even more funds using GalaBid's digital platform:
1. Early To Raise
Our statistics prove that up to 40% of revenue from silent auctions is raised in pre-event bidding. Launch and promote the self-run auction ahead of the event and you can expect to give your revenue a significant boost. Â It also has the added bonus of making events less stressful and more enjoyable to run. Plan ahead and you'll find a little organisation goes a long way to raise more.
2. MC = More
Using your MC to walk through the registration process will dramatically increase registration numbers. Ideally, half of your guests attending should be registered. Using your MC as per the following method is proven to increase registration by up to 75%! At the beginning of your event ask your MC to explain the registration process for the silent auction. The MC says: Tonight's silent auction will be conducted on your mobile phones. Please open up a new text message on your phone. The number you are sending the text message to is 0458 678 678. Then send the text message event URL followed by a space then your full name. So for example text event URL John Smith to 0458 678 678. Don't forget the space bar between event URL and your name.†If you want to go a step further, ask the MC to say: “Now to test the system I want everyone to donate $20 or $50 using GalaBid.†This way, you will make thousands just in donations!
3. Earn Your Stripe
Stripe supports streamlined and transparent financial processing. Easy to set-up, it allows fundraisers to make an immediate collection of money raised. To encourage quick and efficient payments at your auction, towards the end of the event prompt the MC to say: “The Silent Auction is closing at [insert time] am/pm sharp! Winners will be notified by text message which will also direct you how to pay via your phone. Once you've paid for your items please make your way to the silent auction area to collect your items. This will mean at the time of checkout everyone has already paid and by connecting to your own Stripe account you will collect the funds directly into your bank account. (NB: Remember to ask the MC to remind the audience of how long is left to bid throughout the event. It's also good to update guests of specific items without bids)
4. Target Underbidders
A good auctioneer can get the most from a crowd and help you to target underbidders. If you have multiples of the same auction item e.g. a holiday or sporting tickets, it's likely you'll have 3-4 top bidders. Bidders in 2nd, 3rd and 4th etc place are your underbidders i.e. close to the top and keen to win. Ask your MC to encourage the underbidders by giving them a target to reach to secure the prize. It doesn't have to match the top bid. It can be a nominal amount that's more than they're currently bidding but not too high to discourage them. It's a great way to raise more and give bidders the chance to win the prizes they want.
About GalaBid
GalaBid is CrowdComms’ fundraising software, developed inhouse, which facilitates bidding, donations, purchases, payment for and management of all fundraising activities before and during live fundraising events, galas, golf days etc.