Whether you're organising an online campaign or hosting a gala event, we're dedicated to helping you raise more. From donations and silent auctions, to raffles and event ticketing - GalaBid’s streamlined solution makes fundraising easy and cost-effective.
Since 2011, we've empowered thousands of fundraisers to make a meaningful impact for important causes. Join our amazing community and let’s raise more, together!
Since 2011, GalaBid has been helping fundraisers of all shapes and sizes. From global charities to school fetes, sports clubs to individual fundraisers - GalaBid is trusted by thousands of fundraisers around the world. Our platform is ideal for a wide range of events, including high profile gala dinners, golf days and community fundraising events. GalaBid is also often used for standalone online-only campaigns.
The average profit from GalaBid items added to campaigns in 2022 was 40.4%! There is no cost to add GalaBid auction items and the process is risk free. When an item sells, all proceeds above the cost of the item are automatically directed to your campaign.
Items that don’t sell are simply returned to the catalogue and there's no cost to the campaign. Rest assured your winners are in good hands. Our redemptions team takes care of the entire booking process.